Wednesday 22 April 2009

France to fast track asylum into Britain

Invaders attempting to reach Britain using the “asylum” excuse will soon be able to claim that status in France in terms of a new European Union plan.

The mad scheme, negotiated between EU Vice President Jacques 'Bâtard' Barrot and crazed leftist Home Secretary Jacqui 'Salope' Smith, will allow “asylum seekers” to claim asylum in Britain while still in France.

In terms of the deal, Brussels intends to create a purpose-built “asylum support office” in Calais and alter the Dublin Convention to allow refugees to demand sanctuary in one country while in another.

M Barrot says Britain has a duty to “share the burden” of the Third World invasion of Europe and must play its part in a “European plan for resettlement of refugees within the EU.”


Pip pip

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