Monday, 9 July 2007

EU tells Britain not to mention the "m" word

Yet another reason, as if one were needed why we should send the RAF back across the channel and remind these wankers in Yoorup of a thing or two.

"Yet more EU meddling in Britain's affairs as it emerged that the EU has told Britain not to use the word "Muslim" when talking about terrorism.

An EU document has been issued to all governments containing "non offensive" phrases which should be used when talking about terrorism. Words believed to be banned include "jihad", "fundamentalist" or "Islamic". The EU claims that this is to avoid alienating Muslims in Europe and stop the encouragement of divisions.

Critics slammed the phrases as an attack against free speech and that the EU had no business telling governments how to deal with the threat of terrorism. All the "non-emotive" phrases in the world will not stop terrorist targeting the UK.

Would the EU bend over backwards to avoid upsetting Christians in the way it does to avoid offending Muslims? It is time the monstrous EU stopped meddling in British affairs. Even some members of the government have said that "Islamist" is a correct way to describe the ideology behind the terror attacks on the UK. Each one of those held in connection with the terror attacks is a Muslim - that is fact and all the EU meddling in the world will not change that".


Cunts is what they are, cunts I tell you, cunts.

Pip pip

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