Saturday 28 April 2012

Threat to "Drown Moscow in Blood" if Muslims not Allowed to Impose Sharia

In an interview with the REN TV channel, the Muslim lawyer Daguir Khassavov has demanded the introduction of Sharia in Russia.

"We consider this to be our home. Perhaps it's you who are the foreigners. We are in our own home and we are going to institute the rules that suit us, whether you like it or not. Any attempt to prevent it will result in a bloody response ... We will drown Moscow in blood," declared the lawyer.

"We are going to extent our network (…). We will start with Russia, then move on to Asia, absorbing the entire Arab world in the end. The Muslims of the world must unite. They must create a single system. Russia must offer us this possibility," he continued.


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Pip pip

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