Sunday 17 January 2010


The Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation has called on Gordon Brown to fulfill his promise to donate some of the £110m needed to save the former concentration camp from decay and ruin. (Oh yes Britain - give us the money!)

The camp has been built on marshland between two rivers and damp is seeping into the barracks, which are rotting and splintering. Restoration experts have warned that the camp has less than two years before some parts are beyond repair.

In early December, the infamous ‘Arbeit Macht Frei’ sign was stolen by vandals, highlighting the vulnerability of the site. Gordon Brown, who visited the camp in April 2009 has pledged to contribute to the restoration but has yet to announce a figure. The government is thought to be considering donating up to £10m.

Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel has already agreed to contribute half of the costs to restore the camp, but Mr Kastelaniec said he is keen to convince other countries that contributing is not an act of guilt but about the future.

He is planning to visit France, Belgium and the US to ask for donations and the Polish Prime Minister has sent pleas to 40 states.

Well Brown you did not ask the British people if we wanted to give £10m to this project, especially when there are thousands of people living on OUR streets in cardboard boxes and thousands of families being evicted from their homes.

I say charity begins at home.

If anything Germany should pay it all and Poland should contribute as it is a tourist attraction which pours money into the local community.(Or shouldn't Israel? They have made more from Germany in 'reparations'?)

Why should we British have to pay any money at all it was nothing to do with us? In fact it was British troops that liberated these work camps.

Tom Linden (NF Press and Publicity)

Pip pip

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