Monday, 10 December 2007

For shits, giggles and jolly japes.

Mirth and merriment guaranteed for all the family this Christmas.


One pack of party poppers.

One bag of pork scratchings.


  • Take one party popper and carefully remove the cardboard closure at the top and empty out the streamers.

  • Crush one pack of Mr Porky pork scratchings or similar (not pork crunch it just goes to powder and is useless for this project).

  • Fill party popper with crushed pork scratchings and carefully replace the cardboard closure.

  • Repeat until you have an sufficient arsenal of pork launching ordnance.

  • A little imagination.................

    Have fun.

    Pip pip

    Anonymous said...

    Hilarious Col. You are naughty but very nice!
    (We met at the Green arrow site and I just had to check you out)


    Colonel Wilberforce Buckshot said...

    "You are naughty but very nice!"

    And eminently eligible my dear ;-)