Sunday 21 March 2010

EU forces to invade Greece???

The European Union is often mocked as a toothless political entity that lacks any military power. There has been talk of an EU-wide army, but so far most military functions remain with individual member states.

EUROGENDFOR Internal security is a different matter. Brussels has quietly organized an outfit called EUROGENDFOR, the European Gendarmerie Force, which is designed to quell riots, uprisings, and other forms of violent internal dissent.

According to the report below, EUGENDFOR is preparing to deploy to Greece to prevent a possible descent into violent anarchy in the wake of the country’s severe economic crisis. The economic crisis and the resulting growing unrest offer the EU government in Brussels a welcome opportunity to quietly test the deployment of a ‘secret’ EU force, which was established to put down uprisings in the EU.

This secret unit is called EUROGENDFOR, has its headquarters in northern Italy, and is now preparing to leave for Greece, to be deployed against the population of an EU country.

While the Germans advise the Greeks to get up earlier and work harder, anger rises in the Greek streets. In Brussels, all preparations are being made to, for the first time, deploy the ‘secret’ EU force to crack down on uprisings. Most Europeans have never heard of this ‘secret’ unit.

Brussels’ paramilitary gendarmerie.

The staff of the European task force of 3,000 troops has its headquarters In the Italian town of Vicenza [in the “Generale Chinotto” barracks], and is called “EUROGENDFOR”.

It was initiated by the former French Defense Minister Alliot-Marie after the French had to deal more and more frequently with internal uprisings of Muslim immigrant youth with street battles and looting.

With the powers of the secret service, the equipped unit must in close cooperation with the European military guarantee the ‘security in European foci of crises’. It is its duty as a police force to crush rebellions. More and more EU countries are joining EUROGENDFOR.

Full Members: Gendarmerie — National Gendarmerie (France); Carabinieri — Carabinieri (Italy); Royal Marechaussee — Royal Marechaussee (The Netherlands); National Republican Guard — National Republican Guard (Portugal); Gendarmerie — Gendarmerie (Romania); Civil Guard — Civil Guard (Spain). Partners: Polish Military Gendarmerie — Military Gendarmerie (Poland).

The EGF HQ is now developing a comprehensive and coherent operational system, which will permit to be ready in case of prompt deployment to crisis areas.

EGF goal is to provide the International Community with a valid and operational instrument for crisis management, first and foremost at disposal of EU, but also of other International Organizations, as NATO, UN and OSCE, and ad hoc coalitions.”

Note: Turkey joins the European Gendarmerie force as Observer. “Furthermore,” EGF says it is excellently suitable for deployment parallel with or immediately after a military operation to maintain public order and safety as well as in situations where local police services are not (sufficiently) deployed.

Since January 2007, the EU has in theory always had two battlegroups on call, each comprising at least 1500 combat soldiers.”

EUROGENDFOR 4EUROGENDFOR is nothing else but a paramilitary police unit which in times of crisis can be deployed instead of the regularly army, so as not to raise the impression that an army of the country itself would fire on its own citizens. To that purpose the secret unit EUROGENDFOR exists.

The European Gendarmerie Force could theoretically be deployed anywhere the EU sees a crisis — for example, when an EU country does not ratify the Lisbon Treaty, or against the will of the central government in Brussels wants to leave the EU. It’s in the Lisbon Treaty, which regulates the deployment of EUROGENDFOR.

The cross-shaped sword in the arms of EUROGENDFOR symbolizes the unity, the bay leaf victory, and the flaming grenade the common military roots of the police unit.

The motto “Lex Paciferat” means “The law brings peace” [or “The law pacifies”] and stresses “the principle of strict relationship between the continuation of the fundamental legal principles and the restoration of a safe and secure environment”.

Deciding on the strategy of deployment is a “war council” in the form of a ministerial committee, composed of the Ministers of Defense of the participating Member States. The unit may on request, or after a decision by the EU, be deployed. In Article 4 of the establishing treaty, the duties of the unit are described as follows: “Protecting the population and property and maintaining the public order during activities of public unrest”.

During deployment, the troops of this paramilitary EU unit must indeed commit to the laws of the state in which they are stationed and deployed, but: all premises and terrain that are seized by the troops are immune even to authority of the state for which the troops operate, and not accessible.

Accordingly, the EU juggernaut also suspends national law to combat uprisings. Whether or not the citizens want that. If for no other reason than this we must leave the control of the EU Government.

I am telling you that you will soon lose the ‘right’ to protest, the right to say NO, as you face a leveled rifle held by a fellow European citizen in a foreign uniform. The National Front will never stop protesting nor saying NO so let the EU do its worst we are not worried we are British and we will fight.

Tom Linden (NF Press and Publicity)

Pip pip

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha!!!!We are fearless!We are their worst nightmare!
We are armed and dangerous!They do not know that Greece will be their grave...
Too bad they won't make to say "Good Bye" to their families...