Sunday 17 May 2009

** Australia Calling Double Bill **

Reported by Derrick MacThomas


Under the grossly incompetent stewardship of the health system by the Fabian Marxist Labor Party government in Queensland things have become so bad that staff in a nursing home found an 89-year-old male patient being eaten live by a pack of mice. The loonie left greenies in the Labor Party government would not let the nursing home put down baits, set traps, or even get a cat, so a plague of mice rampaged unchallenged and the inevitable happened. Much more in this show to astound you and make you really, really angry.

The Australia Calling webcast by Derrick MacThomas. This edition can be downloaded for your listening pleasure.
Here: Australia Calling Latest Edition.


Telling the truth and speaking your mind are illegal in Australia and you will go to prison for it. During this past week a prominent Adelaide historian has been sentenced to three months in prison because he said that the Holocaust was a lie. In Perth, a fundamentalist Christian has been charged with a thought crime because he quoted the Jewish scriptures that taught race hate and murder. He faces 14 years in prison for quoting scripture. Australia. Perfect one day, a gulag the next.

The Australia Calling webcast by Derrick MacThomas. This edition can be downloaded for your listening pleasure.
Here: Australia Calling Latest Edition.

Pip pip

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