In my ongoing reconstruction of the ancient History of the Caucasian peoples, it has become obvious to me that the Bible's division of the White Race into Three main groups is accurate. These Three Groups descended separately from Ham, Shem, and Japheth. Although there were extremely small groups of pre-Israelite Whites in Europe (Cro-Magnon Man) before the Noahite migrations began, the vast majority of today's Euro-Folk are of Noahite descent. Previous to these migrations, Europe was subject to a long Ice Age, which prevented any long-term settlements of mainland Europe. The so-called "Hyperboreans" are presumed by some historians to have been indigenous to the Baltic area, as far north as Lapland, before these migrations began. These Hyperboreans may have been Cro-Magnon survivors of Atlantis or very early migrants from Mesopotamia. They may also have been Sethites who wandered away from Mesopotamia toward the Atlantic sea coast. What is strikingly evident is that there are very ancient trade routes between the Baltic and the Balkans. The main item of trade was amber. Whether the original Hyperboreans were survivors of Atlantis or Adamites from Mesopotamia remains to be discovered. It is possible that a small remnant of Atlanteans were able to survive in this post-Ice Age Baltic environment (beginning around 10,500 BC); but life would have been very difficult, although, because of the Gulf Stream, not as difficult as life is for Eskimo's. Hunting and gathering would have been the only possible lifestyle.
Noah's Flood occurred roughly around 2350 BC. The Noahite migrations probably began somewhere around 2000 BC, primarily by the House of Japheth, some of whom migrated north into Europe, as far north as the Baltic Sea. The Veneti appear to be Japhethites who re-established the old amber trade routes, which seem to have developed shortly after the Ice Age retreated from Europe. Trade in amber was interrupted by the Deluge of Noah's Flood, which also had the result of making the northern climate less temperate. By 1500 BC, these trade routes were flourishing again. These trade routes ran along Europe's central river valleys, from the Baltic to the Balkans. In my opinion the Hyperboreans were early Japhethite (Slavic) explorers and traders, who migrated far north in search of amber. If there were survivors of Atlantis (indigenous Hyperboreans) up in the Baltic, they would have been overwhelmed by the Veneti and incorporated into them.
Pastor Eli James
Item #1: The Veneti: Ancestors of the Slavs
Item #2: The Veneti and the Amber Trade Culture
Item #3: The Veneti Slavs as Descendants of Ashkenaz and Japheth
(Since the original Japhethites were White Adamites through Noah, their Slavic descendants must be considered to be White Japhethite. By contrast, the Khazars emerged from a mixed-race group, which consists of three racial groups: Japhethites, Mongols and Hittites. The Khazars became Jews by conversion while the Japhetic Slavs became Christians, mainly Catholic.)
Item #4: The Veneti in Pre-History
Item #5: Ancient Folklore and the Veneti
(This author has no inkling that many of the tribes he talks about are actually Israelites of the Dispersion. He assumes an Atlantean connection for some of the folklore, but most of the tribes he talks about are Israelite in origin. I have divided the Israelite migrations into two periods: 1.) The Celtic Migrations, which began around 1500 BC. These were Israelites who made their escape from slavery in Egypt, migrating into Europe. Their language was Hamito-Semitic a form of Hebrew, as is proven by Welsh, which is virtually identical to Paleo Hebrew (not to be confused with modern Hebrew). Having picked up various pagan traditions while in Egypt, some of these tribes also worshiped Hermes, which is actually a reference to our ancestor, Enoch. 2.) The Anglo-Saxon Migrations, beginning in 745 BC. These are the migrations of the "Ten Lost Tribes," who became known as the Saka, Scythians, Parthians, Cimmerians, Goths, Jutes, Germans, Angles, Saxons, etc. Their language changed from Hebrew because they were long subject to the Assyrians and Persians, although the German language, which partially derives from Persian, maintains much Hebrew structure and many Hebrew words. {Follow this link for the connection between German and Persian, thus demonstrating how the Saxons picked up Persian words and usage: Here is a quote from the article:
It is observed, he says, that the German language bears a great affinity with the Persian, whether it be for its inflexions or for its terms. The cause of this conformity may be attributed to their common origin, which is from the Scythians. The Indians, who came from the same source, and whom the ancients called Indo Scythians, retained much of the same language; and we find, in the modern language of the Persians, those Indian terms which Ctesias has preserved. But the Medes formerly sent colonies into Germany. Is not this most probably the cause of this conformity? }
The author of the following article is sadly 'all over the map', but the connections he makes are very reminiscent of the ancient names of Israel.)
Pip pip
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