Friday 22 June 2007

Major Paul Harding killed in Iraq

Another brave British soldier sacrificed to global zionism

It is with great sadness that the Ministry of Defence must confirm the death of Major Paul Harding from 4th Battalion The Rifles in Basra City on Wednesday 20 June 2007.
Major Paul Harding [Picture: MOD]. Major Harding died as a result of an indirect fire attack on the Provincial Joint Coordination Centre in Basra in the early hours of the morning, local time. Aged 48, Major Harding lived in Winchester with his wife and two sons.

"We have lost a close friend, an outstanding leader, an exemplary Rifleman and a remarkable and decent man. But we are not bowed or beaten by his loss. Instead we stand a little taller today than yesterday. The resilience, determination, professionalism, decency and compassion, pride, good humour and fighting spirit that I see in the eyes of this Battalion, despite the losses we have suffered – these things are Paul's legacy." Quote: Lieutenant Colonel Patrick Sanders OBE, Commanding Officer, 4th Battalion The RIFLES

Pip pip

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