Sunday 2 September 2007

Today's reality

While racial loyalty is reality for Jews, Negroes and Asians: it's illegal for White Aryans.

Over half of all the people in the United States who live below the poverty line are European Americans. In fact, more European Americans in the US live below the poverty line than the total number of African Americans living in the US. This image of deprivation is mirrored throughout all the White Western European Nations, with Britain for example, having more children living below the poverty line than any of it's Eastern European neighbours and well in excess of the combined number of all it's non white residents.

A most notable series of articles on this and other chilling aspects of anti-white bias can be found .: Here :.

Pip pip

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well well.. good to see, you are a man with your head screwed on the "right"way

There are still so few of us, but hopefully the screeching from the muezzin will wake up some in Britain.