Monday 5 November 2007

More muslim appeasement

Great isn't it?. If you want to have a smoke with your pint you have to go and stand outside in the pissing rain, but you have to leave your beer in the pub because it is probably also illegal for a white working man to drink outside the pub in the town where you live these days.

But, Islamic footballers in the Scottish Premier League have had special prayer rooms set up for them at every stadium in the league.

All twelve clubs volunteered to set aside the rooms so just two fucking Moroccans from Edinburgh team Hibernian can pray to the arabian moon god before and after games.

Players Merouane Zemmama and Abdessalam Benjelloun are pleased with the move.

Humza Yousaf, assistant to Scotland's first Muslim MSP, Bashir Mann, said: "This is a very positive step.

"It is great that all the SPL clubs are recognising that modern Scotland is a multifaith, multi-cultural nation."

Despite the lies peddled by multiculti propagandists Scotland remains thankfully largely mono-cultural and mono-ethnic. According to (2003) government figures there are just an estimated 42,000 Muslims in Scotland, less than 0.9% of the population of 5m, with Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists and Jews making up less than 26,000 of the total population exposing the falsehood that Scotland is “multicultural”.

Islam teaches that all adult Muslims should pray five times every day. The rule is considered so important that very few exceptions are made.

As well as setting up a prayer room at Easter Road, Hibs took special steps to look after Zemmama and Benjelloun during the recent Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Muslims are not allowed to eat and drink in daylight hours during Ramadan so manager John Collins arranged late training sessions for his Moroccan stars.

Zemmama said: "The manager John Collins was fantastic throughout Ramadan. "He understands how important our religion is to us.

"The whole club was very respectful - manager, team-mates and fans.

"John trained with us, just the three of us. We can't eat or drink during daylight hours so it was best for our bodies to start training at about 5pm and then eat straight after.”

Enforced dhimmitude for us all looks a step closer with every concession, every official act of appeasement revealing the ostrich-in-the sand gullibility of our rulers, our opinion formers and our bosses.

The original article can be read here.

Pip pip


Anonymous said...


Increase your awareness of Muslim contributions to our cultural enrichment, for example:

- Vibrant rape gangs and pedophile rings reaching out to give multiple new new cultural diversity experiences to the women and children of the hideously unvibrant monocultural community.

- Architectural enrichment from vibrant MegaMosques dominating the skylines of ancient European cities

- Imaginatively enriched travel experiences which keep you wondering what exotic contents are in your diversified fellow passengers' luggage.

- Vibrant new ways of using surplus tax income by spending on 'inclusion' projects for jihad-crazed psychopaths.

- Improved efficiency in the vibrant heroin supply chain

- Increased employment diversity in the police force for investigators of mind-crimes.

- Doctors who save on health care costs by neglecting their unvibrant Kuffar patients.

- Low-cost demolition and disposal of outdated buildings and obsolete monocultural icons.

- Vibrant kuffar-free neighbourhoods

- Encouragement of unvibrant women and dancing slags to stay home at night.

- Demands for an inclusively diversified school curriculum, such as banning music, dance, drama, biology, swimming and lessons about any other religion but Islam. Also compulsory history lessons about the massive contribution that Islam has made to the development of Western civilisation.

.... If all this is cultural 'enrichment' then I wonder what cultural impoverishment would look like?

So remember, if you want any future for your children - MAKE EVERY WEEK ISLAMIC AWARENESS WEEK !!!

'The minarets are our bayonets, domes our helmets, the mosques are our barracks' - Muslim hymn

"I have been made victorious with terror" - Mohammed quoted by al-Bukhari Vol. 4, Bk 52, No. 220.

Colonel Wilberforce Buckshot said...

Thanks for the heads up najistani, an excellent article indeed.

Pip pip